
Deine Suche nach * lieferte 949 Ergebnisse.

  • Health insurance
    Health insurance in Germany is divided into two different systems: statutory health insurance and private health insurance. The majority of the population (around 90%) has statutory health insurance.
    • Typ: Amt24 Lebenslage
  • GP care
    Visits to doctors and costs Medical care can be provided on an outpatient or inpatient basis. If you become ill, a GP is usually the first person you contact. GPs are mainly specialists in general med
    • Typ: Amt24 Lebenslage
  • Hospital stays and emergencies
    Hospital stays and emergencies Hospital admissions are arranged by the attending GP (Verordnung von stationärer Krankenhausbehandlung) (‘Hospital Inpatient Treatment Regulations‘). You must bring the
    • Typ: Amt24 Lebenslage
  • Health Guide for Migrants
    German version The public health service in Saxony Health insurance Particular regulations according to Book XII of the Social Code and the Asylum Seekers Benefits Act GP care HIV and AIDS Dental care
    • Typ: Amt24 Lebenslage
  • Help with domestic violence
    Violence by a husband or wife or by a male or female partner or by relatives can never be justified, regardless of why it is perpetrated and regardless of who the perpetrator is. Domestic violence is
    • Typ: Amt24 Lebenslage
  • Particular regulations according to Book XII Social Code and Asylum Seekers Benefits Act
    Medical care for recipients of benefits according to Book XII of the Social Code In the case of recipients of income support who have compulsory insurance in the statutory health insurance fund and in
    • Typ: Amt24 Lebenslage
  • HIV and AIDS
    Prevention and treatment HIV: human immunodeficiency virus AIDS: acquired immune deficiency syndrome AIDS is a severe weakening of the body’s own defence system triggered by HIV. AIDS makes the body d
    • Typ: Amt24 Lebenslage
  • Acquiring German citizenship
    Who can be classified as German? A German citizen is someone who holds German citizenship, i.e. someone who has acquired it and not lost it. Refugees, ethnic German resettlers or exiled persons of Ger
    • Typ: Amt24 Lebenslage
  • Zusammenfassung: Links zur Auswanderung
    Von Sachsen in die Welt – als Deutscher im Ausland Auskunfts- und Beratungsstellen für Auswanderer und Auslandstätige Online-Verzeichnis des Bundesverwaltungsamts [...] EURES – Europäischer Arbeitsmar
    • Typ: Amt24 Lebenslage
  • Welcome to Saxony!
    Entry, stay, work The entry conditions for citizens of the European Union member states differ from those applicable for citizens of third-party states, i.e. countries not belonging to the European Un
    • Typ: Amt24 Lebenslage

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